Do Sheep Dream of Electric Ruins?

Specification (2025) – Single Channel Film with Stereo Sound, 11min 08sec. Do Sheep Dream of Electric Ruins? is a poetic exploration of the Derrigimlagh bog, a remote landscape once transformed by technological ambition and now reclaimed by nature. Once the site of Marconi’s pioneering transatlantic wireless station and the crash-landing of the first nonstop transatlantic […]

Field working from home

Specification Mixed media H0 scale (1:87) models with sound and HD video (forthcoming). Various dimensions and duration. Description Following the temporary end of travel and the order to ‘stay at home’ as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, a year’s worth of planning for site specific fieldwork (my primary method for work to date) was […]

These Times

Specification 8x Channel Audio Installation, 30min 00sec loop starting on the hour. These Times is a complex composite of sound drawn from time pieces and church clock towers across the West Midlands (UK). The artwork is an investigation in to trauma. Few topics seem to be as difficult to navigate as violence and its impact. […]

Memory Line [Installation edition]

Specification Multimedia installation Edition 1x 34U 19″ powder coated rack cabinet on castors 8x 4″ CRT monitors 5x Raspberry Pi model B+ 5x loudspeakers 8x channel power amplifier 4x 2m nickel wires (0.42mm) neodymium magnets 1x powder-coated frame 1x A/D| D/A converter and audio interface assorted copper wiring in insulated sheath Multichannel film Edition 4x […]

Electrostatic Borderlands

Specification Stereo sound work (loop) 53mins 33secs (2018) Electrostatic Borderlands In the spring of 2016, I applied to the Art for the Environment International Residency Programme (AER) organised by Professor Lucy Orta at the University of the Arts London. The residency programme offers artists an opportunity to “explore concerns that define the twenty-first century – […]


Specification Audiovisual InstallationInternet AccessLED TV ScreenCash BoxThermal PrinterScript written in Python on LinuxTwitter APISoil owned by Apple Inc.1x International Space Station * Made in collaboration with James Dooley. The immediate impact of our daily digital interactions on the natural world is rarely made visible. With the ubiquity of the Cloud, and social networks, we have […]

Turbulence in the Chamber

Specification Single Channel HD Video Stereo Audio. 04 mins 48 secs (2014) What is ‘The Cloud’ and how is it affecting our lives? The People’s Cloud is a project investigating the acoustic ecology and impact of cloud computing on the lives of those who use it, the places it is physically located in and the […]