Turbulence in the Chamber

Specification Single Channel HD Video Stereo Audio. 04 mins 48 secs (2014) What is ‘The Cloud’ and how is it affecting our lives? The People’s Cloud is a project investigating the acoustic ecology and impact of cloud computing on the lives of those who use it, the places it is physically located in and the […]

The Cloud is more than Air and Water

Specification Audiovisual Installation6.1 Multichannel sound, HD Projector 12 LEDs, Plywood, Plastic Mesh, StaplesDuration: 14:00 Loop (2014) An installation investigating the mechanical nature and acoustic ecology of Data Centres and internet storage systems. All audio and visual material developed by Matt Parker, recorded in various UK Data Center locations. Audio produced using Ableton Live 9 Suite, […]

Reflections on Collection

Specification Type of work: Sound Walk/Audiovisual Guide/Performance (with companion video) Material: Electroacoustic composition, Narrator, Video, Film Crew Duration: 08:10 Location: Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts In collaboration with Michael James Lewis. Excerpt from live performance at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts as part of the Resonance launch event, 20 February 2015. An audio guide […]

Network Topology

Video installation Edition: Reactive audiovisual environment produced with motion sensors, Arduino and Pure Data.Standalone Fixed Video Edition: HD Screen and Headphones, 14:28 minutes duration. Network Topology is a responsive real-time audiovisual installation explores the human impact of cloud computing and increased usage of data centers across the global landscape to the environment. A number of […]